It's an Agile world: long live Waterfall
arrow_back Kaspersky Lab debuts advanced cyber security platform T he adoption and implementation of Agile within an organisation will probably require a Waterfall approach in order to be successful. That comment, from the floor during the first Johannesburg PMO Forum event of the year held in Bryanston last week, elicited appreciative laughter and agreement from the dozens of PMO executives and leaders, as well as from the main speaker, Dimension Data 's Group PMO, Dr Shaun Kirchmann. The PMO Forum is an interest group that falls under the umbrella of Project Management South Africa (PMSA) and provides an opportunity for PMO executives to network with peers across industries, and share knowledge and experience. Kirchmann had just completed a presentation on the global IT company's Agile transformation journey which, he acknowledged, had not been easy, but was starting to deliver tangible value to the organisat...