7 simple ways to fail at agile
Creating and sustaining a successful agile program requires a strong commitment and careful planning. Yet ruining a functional agile initiative is remarkably easy. John Edwards (CIO (US)) 25 October, 2017 21:00 0 0 print email 0 Comments "Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan" is a saying frequently cited by contemplative business leaders. Yet when it comes to failed agile initiatives, the old bromide might be updated to state: "Success is a team effort, while failure is simply everybody's fault." No new agile program aims for failure. Yet poor planning by an unprepared and ill-informed team that fixes its sights on unrealistic goals will usually doom a project from the very start. Want to ensure that your agile initiative will collapse into a heap of twisted hopes and dreams? Well, here are seven simple steps to help you get started: 1. Plan loosely and chaotically One of the great myths surrounding agi...